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Fast fashion comes at a cost that will never be mentioned in its price tag, but someone somewhere in this world is paying the price of it. We all crave for a good bargain but that 500 bucks dress isn’t worth it, if in exchange of it we can’t use our privilege to shop sustainably. Cheap or fast fashion doesn’t only impact the environment but the exploitation of laborers, especially black and brown people communities as most of the manufacturing production is done in south Asian countries like, Bangladesh goes on and on in an unending manner.

As far as solution is concerned, sustainable fashion is the key. Though sustainability is a trend nowadays and some brands look at it as a sales opportunity but any way is better than no way, we just need to learn the importance of sustainable fashion. A part of sustainable fashion is, circular fashion, which is a system aimed at minimizing waste produced by the fashion industry. It questions the currently existing linear production line which results in the dumping of clothes as an ultimate fate. Circular fashion means that from production to recycling each process of the garment is cyclic. It allows products to be reused, recycled and regenerated. the products under this category are designed to ‘circle back around’, which means they minimize waste production, can be used for a long time and even after long time is not thrown into landfills but is regenerated into a new product of use.

Transition of summer wardrobe into fall

Consumers say sustainability matters to them but why are they the first to click on the one-day delivery option? We must ask ourselves some questions about our reactions and choices that are terribly harming the environment

Was this responsibly made?

Is this a rash buy?

Do I own something like this already?

Will I still want it the next week or month or year?

If we can ask ourselves some of these questions every time we are about to buy impulsively, then we have already taken our small step towards the huge journey of sustainability.

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